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AIM Checklists – Harmful Sexual Behaviour

The Devon Children Families Partnership (Devon SCP) have purchased a five-year licence so that multi-agency partners can access the AIM Checklists.

The AIM Project recognises the importance of education, health, police, children’s services and anyone working with children and young people having clear pathways for responding to children and adolescents exhibiting harmful sexual behaviours. The AIM Checklists help to put those sexual behaviours in perspective and to identify those that need short interventions and those which require further assessment. There are four separate checklists that cover: adolescents; adolescents with learning disabilities; children under 12 years old; children under 12 years old with learning disabilities.

The licence that we have purchased allow multi-agency partners to access:

  • the AIM Checklists
  • the AIM “How to Use the Checklists” guide
  • the AIM Video on “How to use the Checklists guide” can also be viewed

To access the checklists and resources, you will need a username and password. You can request a log-in username and password by completing this short form. Practitioners can then access the checklists by logging into the the AIM Project website. If you have previously been able to access the checklist but can’t any more, please re-register as a new user.

We have also purchased a number of consultation sessions to support the roll out and implementation of these checklists across Devon. The consultation sessions can help with:

  • establishing necessary mandates for the implementation within your agency
  • establishing early adopters and champions in different agencies so that they are available to advise on how the AIM Checklists can be communicated effectively with their colleagues and to take the lead in promoting them
  • developing clear agreed outcomes and how these will be measured to identify if the use of the AIM Checklists has been effective and if practice has been supported and improved with practitioners more confident and competent in this area of work.

If you would be interested in a consultation session for your agency, please email
