Children and Young People’s Plan 2019-2022: we want to hear your feedback
The Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership is a partnership of all of the organisations who support children alongside parents, carers and children and young people.
We are committed to work together to ensure children and families can get the right support, in the right place at the right time.
To help us to work well together we have written a Children and Young People’s Plan for 2019 – 2022.
We have developed the Children and Young People’s Plan from the things that staff, parents and children have told us are important. We are now checking we have got this right. We need to know:
- Is the plan is clear and accessible?
- Is the language clear and easy to understand?
- Are the priorities the right ones for Devon’s children?
We would like there to be many ways for people to tell us their views. Both staff in services and from children and their parents or carers.
Feedback now ended
There were many ways to tell us your views. Through this online questionnaire (now closed). Or at places in your local area such as schools, youth centres and children’s centres.
If you would like to share your thoughts and feedback on the proposed plan now, please complete our feedback form. Closed 5 July.
Find out more
We will be talking more throughout the year ahead about these priorities and so there will be other occasions you can join this conversation.