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Child Exploitation Conference (Fully Funded)


8:45 am - 4:30 pm


Sandy Park
Sandy Park Way, Exeter, Devon, EX2 7NN
Map Unavailable

Venue : Sandy Park, Sandy Park Way, Exeter EX2 7NN

Child exploitation is a serious issue in Devon, as it is in many parts of the UK. Efforts to combat child exploitation require multiple agencies to work together. The effects of exploitation can last a lifetime; we have a legal and ethical responsibility to work together to protect and support the children and young people of Devon.

So we’re looking forward to collaborating with many of our colleagues inside and outside of Devon County Council to facilitate this all-day child exploitation conference.  Efforts to combat child exploitation involve education, awareness, and robust support systems. The conference will focus on exploitation, with the aim of working together to draft Devon Locality Area Action Plans that we can all be a part of and active in, and which will be clear, restorative, trauma-informed, respectful and accessible for colleagues across partnerships, as well as children, young people and their families.

Places are limited due to venue size.

Please click here to request a place at this conferenceExpression of Interest Form for a place at the CE Conference on 23 Oct 24


                       Programme Outline
08.45-09.15 Arrival, tea/coffee and registration

Opening address by Lead Safeguard Partners

·         Donna Manson, Chief Executive, Devon County Council

·         Steve Moore, Chief Executive Officer, NHS Devon

·         Jim Colwell, Acting Chief Constable, Devon and Cornwall Police


Professor Carlene Firmin, Contextual Safeguarding Network

Contextual Safeguarding Research Durham University


Jeanie Lynch, Programme Manager, Co-Lab, Exeter

CoLab Exeter

11.00-11.30 COMFORT BREAK

Sheila Taylor MBE, National Working Group (NWG)

Welcome to the NWG Network


Alistair Barfield, Managing Director, Deflect and Protect, CIC

Alistair Barfield – Associate – ConnectFutures | LinkedIn

13.00-13.15 Plenary Q&A Session – chaired by senior leader (tbc)
13.15-14.15 LUNCH – a buffet lunch will be provided

Local Context Across Devon

Nick Meller and Jen Harris-Nelson – Team Managers, REACH (Reducing Exploitation and Absence from Care or Home), Devon County Council


Break out into Locality areas

·         Discuss and draft Locality Area Action Plans (4 x break-out rooms)

16.00-16.15 COMFORT BREAK
16.15-16.30 Summary of feedback from each Locality Break-out Room
16.30 End of Conference


If you have any questions, please email
