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Child Protection Group 3 Refresher


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

This course is a refresher, when your training requires updating and you have previously completed Multi Agency Safeguarding and Child Protection Group 3 Core training.

An interactive course that has a focus on levels of need, and child protection definitions. The course develops participants understanding of risk within child safeguarding practice, by breaking down risk in a way that enables delegates to assess and analyse risk, and monitor the risk trajectory. It moves on to cover creating outcome focussed plans to manage and reduce risk effectively.  

Cancellation Terms

Cancellation Policy – unless there are extenuating circumstances, you will be charged if you don’t attend or if you cancel your place less than 4 weeks before the training date. Even if the training is fully funded by the Devon & Children Families Partnership (DCFP), we still maintain the right to charge as non-attendance prevents someone else from attending. We will invoice your organisation for £120 for a full-day course and £60 for a half-day course.
This course is fully-funded for Partners (including  Health (NHS), Education (please check), (EY), Children Services & Probation). Other organisations may have to pay. We charge £60 for a half day course and £120 for a full-day course.

Any enquiries please to –

Click here to book a place if you have a DEL account

If you don’t have an account, please fill in the training course request below.
