Safeguarding Children in Custody: Relationships, Advocacy and Power (CareKnowledge)
Date: Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Time: 10am-12pm (London, UK)
Price: Free
Speakers: Wendy Tomlinson, former Head of Safeguarding at the Youth Custody Service, social worker and service manager
Who should attend?
- Social workers working with children (newly qualified to very experienced)
- Youth Offending Team professionals
Learning outcomes:
- Develop clarity about your rights and responsibilities as social workers, youth justice workers and IRO with responsibility for a child in custody
- Expand your understanding of the types of harm a child in custody might come to
- Develop the confidence to ask questions, dig deeper and escalate concerns when you need to
- Explore the types of questions you could ask and critically reflect on how to read the responses you might get
- Critically reflect on your own practice, or practice that you are responsible for