Ofsted Annual Conversation and Focused Visit
Devon County Council’s Ofsted Annual Conversation
Devon County Council met with Ofsted at the end of January for our Annual Conversation to talk about our self-evaluation and the impact of our practice across Children’s Services.
The meeting was a positive one during which the Regional Director remarked that the Children’s Services Leadership Team ‘know their service well’. Subsequent communication confirms that Ofsted “left with a clear sense of the key milestones in the local authority’s improvement journey, the challenges that remain, and plans for future improvement.” Read the letter here.
Ofsted Focused Visit – feedback
Ofsted inspectors were in Devon for two days at the beginning of May 2019 to carry out a Focused Visit, looking at services for children in need and children subject of a child protection plan. We had asked them to look at this area of our work during our annual conversation in January. We knew already that this was potentially the weakest area of our practice and to get an Ofsted perspective now really helps us to identify where we need to improve our practice. Read the briefing note here.
We appreciate the effort that everybody who met the inspectors went to, or who completed audits, or who contributed and supported in any way. Thank you all for the hard work and effort over the past year.