QADG Thematic Review Domestic Abuse Awareness Survey
As many of you will know, the domestic abuse act was introduced in 2021 giving new powers to support families who are in domestically abusive situations. We are undertaking a thematic review to understand the family’s experience of services in Devon and how well we are working together to prevent domestic abuse, protect victims from harm (children are included as victims) and promote recovery.
With that in mind, the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership Quality Assurance Delivery Group is conducting a survey exploring the awareness of domestic abuse procedures within Devon. This is a part of a wider methodology for the thematic review about domestic abuse.
If you’re a practitioner or manager, or are part of the frontline and operational work with families in Devon, you can give your feedback via this survey.
The survey will take about 10 minutes and responses collected will be confidential.
More information about the current 16 Days of Action is available on the Safer Devon Partnership website.