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Restorative Devon “March Master Classes”

Devon County Council is working closely with the Leeds Relational Practice Centre to offer professionals the opportunity to attend a series of “master classes” focussing on key areas of practice. 

These sessions are open to Practitioners, Managers, Partners and Support Staff who are interested to hear and learn more about restorative practice. These will be delivered virtually, online through Microsoft Teams.

Before booking onto any of the sessions below, it is recommended that you complete our Restorative Practice e-learning module. This will help you develop a solid grounding in restorative practice theory, principles and practice, as well as develop your knowledge and understanding so that you are able to facilitate a one-to-one restorative conversation. Please note that the link above doesn’t work, then you will need to email and request a DeL account.

If you would like to book a place on any of the sessions (see below), or would like more information about the planned follow-up sessions, please email one of:

March Master Class sessions

Initial Judgement, Decision-making and engagement

Wednesday 2 March – 10.00 to 11.30am
This session will look at how initial judgements are made on information about contact and referrals. This session will draw upon theory and research and existing knowledge about what contributes to effective judgement and decision-making. Working with uncertainty, and ensuring that risks and needs are confidently and competently evaluated to promote achieving best outcomes for children and their families.

Re-Imagining Child Welfare

Wednesday 2nd March – 11.00am to 12.30pm
Re-imagining child welfare is about looking at the strengths in families and communities through the use of services like Family Group Conferencing and exploring how wider networks of extended family and friends can help protect children and keep those children living within their family networks where it is safe to do so. It is also focused on achieving the best outcomes for children and how we can work restoratively with families struggling in the face of adversity (e.g., with issues of poverty, poor housing, parental drug and alcohol misuse and parental mental health issues). It also focuses on the needs and wishes of children and how we keep those at the centre of good social work and early help practice.

Working with Men

Tuesday 8th March – 9.30 to 11.00am
This session will look at how initial judgements are made on information about contact and referrals. This session will draw upon theory and research and existing knowledge about what contributes to effective judgement and decision-making. Working with uncertainty, and ensuring that risks and needs are confidently and competently evaluated to promote achieving best outcomes for children and their families.

Rethinking Risk and Relational Working: Theory

Wednesday 9th March – 10.00am to 11.30am
This session will look at how initial judgements are made on information about contact and referrals. This session will draw upon theory and research and existing knowledge about what contributes to effective judgement and decision-making. Working with uncertainty, and ensuring that risks and needs are confidently and competently evaluated to promote achieving best outcomes for children and their families.

Pre-Birth Assessment

Tuesday 15th March – 11.00am to 12.30pm
The session will explore restorative approaches to pre-birth assessments and work with parents to be to reduce the need for babies to become looked after and so safely keeping them within their families.

Using Language

Tuesday 29th March – 10.00 to 11.30 am
How does the language we use as social workers affect the children and families we work with. What values do we communicate and how can our language support or hinder building effective working relationships.

Voice and Influence

Wednesday 30th March – 1.00 to 2.30pm
How does the language we use as social workers affect the children and families we work with. What values do we communicate and how can our language support or hinder building effective working relationships.

Equality and Diversity

Friday 1st April – 10.30am to 12.00pm
“Thinking about about tackling racism by exploring micro aggressions, the impact of racism, and looking at what it means to be anti-racist, next steps towards equality.”

The aim of the session is for participants to be more aware of their own conscious and unconscious biases and to leave feeling empowered about what actions they can take individually and in their teams to promote anti-racist and anti-discriminatory practice.”
