These tips are designed to help young people understand what workers and other adults should be doing for them, and help adults to recognise what is expected of them.
The two lists have been created by young people across Devon as part of our restorative practice approach. There is one set of tips for children aged 5-10 years old and one for young people aged 11-17 years old.
Children aged 5-10
- Make sure I know what’s happening
- Listen to me
- Take time to get to know me
- Talk to me in a kind way which I can understand
- Do what you say you’re going to do
- Let me know how I can talk to you when you’re not with me
- Make sure I feel safe in meetings
- Tell me who else will know about the things we talk about
- Do your best for me and my family
- Be kind and smile
Young people aged 11-17
- Make sure I understand what’s happening and involve me in decisions
- Work with me and for me, not about me!
- Get to know me and respect me
- Use language that cares
- Do what you say you’re going to do
- Keep in touch regularly and make time for me
- Make sure I feel safe and comfortable in meetings
- Respect my confidentiality
- Do your best for me and my family.
- Be human!
The following PowerPoints are available to aid session planning:
For copies of the top tips posters, please email
The video below is for use in secondary age sessions.
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