Crisis support from CAMHS
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are offering additional crisis support during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
If a child or young person (under 18) is experiencing a mental health crisis, you can now access CAMHS 24/7. Please contact 03300 245 321 during normal hours (8am-5pm, Mon to Fri) or 0300 555 5000 outside these hours. Callers will speak to a call handler, their call will be forwarded to a voicemail service and their message will be returned within one hour.
There are three CAMHS crisis teams: Torbay and South Devon; Exeter, East and Mid Devon; and North Devon. Your call will be directed to the appropriate team.
In the event of an emergency, please call 999.
General information about CAMHS services and referrals can be found on the Children and Family Health Devon website.
Support websites and apps
Support and guidance from the following resources, apps and organisations is also available.
Telephone and text counselling
- Childline offer a free phone and text service for young people to make contact with a counsellor. Their website also contains a variety of helpful videos, games and articles.
- Papyrus are a mental health charity dedicated to preventing young suicide. Call 08000684141 or text 07860039967 for any young person who is experiencing thoughts of suicide or for anyone who has concerns for a young person who may be in distress.
- Kooth is a site that provides free mental health support with their online counsellors. It is a free sign up services and includes resources, discussion boards and helpful tips and articles.
- NHS Every mind Matters offers a range of mental health advice with an interactive quiz that’s designed to help
you feel more in control of your emotional mental wellbeing. - Child Bereavement UK is a website for young people who are grieving as well as information on how to support a young person. A helpline is also available on 0800028840.
- YoungMinds is a mental health charity that provides support, advice and resources for young people in supporting their mental health.
- Stem4 is a charity that promotes positive mental health for teenagers and encourages them to build resilience and manage difficult emotions with online resources.
These apps all support Young people to reduce their anxiety through distraction and encourages relaxations and mindfulness:
- Clear Fear
- Combined Minds
- Calm
- Headspace
- Calm Harm
Additionally, you can read our full range of mental health support and guidance for children and families during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.