Early Help update
As you probably are aware, significant changes to Early Help have been made, which went live on 1 September 2024.
Family Intervention Team (FIT)
Is a Level 3 targeted Early Help support team offering intervention to families with children in the 0-19 age range. FIT uses a whole family approach involving everyone in the family network who wants to be involved. FIT aims to reduce the need for statutory intervention, improve better outcomes and ensure all children and young people thrive, but also to identify those families where change and improvement are more difficult to achieve and sustain.
Information on the Family Intervention Team service.
Is Devon’s new targeted Level 3 specialist service, which will work to increase safety and reduce risk and harm to children, young people, and some young adults outside of the home. Links can work with children and young people from the age of 10, as well as young adults 18-25 who are care experienced.
Links brings together the expertise of staff within the Youth Intervention Team (crime prevention) and the REACH team (missing children and exploitation) to form an offer of intervention and support to children and young people who may have gone missing from home (any form of home), at risk of being exploited, are involved in increasing anti-social behaviour (ASB) and offending.
If, from discussion with the family you are supporting, you agree that Level 3 targeted Early Help support from either FIT or Links is required, please complete a Request for Support form.
Locality Delivery Team
Provides support to our partnership services and organisations to fulfil their associated responsibilities. This will include being a go to ‘expert’ in Early Help with a strong working knowledge of the Early Help Right for Children IT system. They will support developing and implementing the Family Hubs approach across Devon and work as part of an integrated Family Hub Team and Family Hub network partner.
Family Group Conference service
The team will continue to offer a restorative family group conference (FGC) approach that puts extended family and friends’ networks at the centre of planning for their children. FGCs are available to children in Devon at all stages of their social care journey. They are available to children receiving support through Targeted Early Help, Child in Need and Child Protection.
To explore family networks, restorative practice, and FGC please refer to the Family Network Handbook
The changes have not affected our Bridges, Y-Smart, and Youth Justice services.
For more information about the changes and how to access the services, visit: Early Help Reshape in Devon County Council (govdelivery.com)
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