The Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership (Devon SCP) has adopted a multi-agency model to help professionals assess safeguarding needs for children and young people.
The Devon SCP has adopted the continuum of need model (based on the Torbay Safeguarding Children Board threshold tool) to provide a multi-agency, whole system approach to assessment, prevention and intervention for children, young people and their families and directly support the Early Help Assessment (EHA).
The adoption of the model provides consistency for professionals working across geographical areas. This dynamic model provides a needs led, outcome driven matrix of need and vulnerability which, when used effectively, can match the child/young person’s needs with the appropriate assessment and provision.
Read the full guidance about our Levels of Need tool, or view our indicators of need.
To familiarise yourself with the Levels of Need tool, it is essential that you attend a Levels of Need workshop – all staff can attend the workshops listed by this link.
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