The following courses and videos are available on the Devon Learning Pool (DeL). If you have a DeL account, book a place on the training as normal. If you don’t have a DeL account, please complete the sign up form below. Please note that completing this form doesn’t automatically mean you will be allocated a place on the course; you will receive an email confirming that you’ve been given a place.
Anyone working for a Devon school should complete safeguarding training via the Devon Education Services training offer. All the training offered by Devon Education Services is not funded by the Devon SCP and is for school staff only.
If you work in areas within Torbay or Plymouth only, it is recommended that you attend their Safeguarding respective partnership training instead. Please see the Plymouth Safeguarding Children Partnership website or the Torbay Safeguarding Children Partnership website for more details.
- Group 2 Core – Responding to Allegations and Role of the LADO
- Group 2 Core – Multi-Agency Safeguarding & Child Protection
- Adverse Childhood Experiences e-Learning
- An Introduction to Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Animation
- Autism: What is it? – Videos, learning materials and free training courses
- Autism – Top Tips on How to Support Autistic Young People
- Awareness and Using the Mental Capacity Act – Level 1 (Video)
- Child victims of modern slavery
- Children’s Act 1989
- Children Missing Education – Course
- Children Missing Education – Video
- Coercive Control and Domestic Abuse
- Contextual Safeguarding Video Learning – SAVE ME
- County Lines Exploitation session
- Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
- Domestic Abuse Awareness – Level 1
- Domestic Abuse Awareness – Level 2
- Exploring Family Networking
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Helping Adults Respond to Children Disclosing Abuse Video
- How safe children feel on the streets
- Identify, diversity and recording; how it links together
- Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
- Mind Your Words
- NSPCC Podcasts
- Online Radicalisation
- Opening Doors: Trauma Informed Practice for the Workforce (Video)
- Prevent Essentials Basic Awareness Raising
- Prevent Duty – Channel Awareness e-learning module
- Pronouns Matter
- Psychological First Aid Training Course – FutureLearn
- Recognising and Responding to Child Neglect
- Reframe the Blame – Child Exploitation Webinars
- Restorative Practice e-learning
- Restorative Practice Podcasts
- SEND Module 1: An introduction for all new and existing staff in Devon
- SEND Module 2: Developing your understanding of SEND
- SEND Condition Specific Training Modules
- Sowing Seeds: Trauma Informed practice for anyone working with children or young people
- Spot the Signs of Child Criminal Exploitation
- Stages of Child Criminal Exploitation (Video)
- Suicide Prevention Training Video
- Supporting children in early years settings who may have experienced trauma or abuse
- Supporting practice in tackling child sexual abuse
- Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence
- Tackling Modern Slavery in Public Sector Supply Chains
- Talking Change Podcast – Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines
- Those who don’t cruise rarely bruise – bruising on babies (Video)
- Trauma Informed Approaches to Working with Children, Young People and Families
- Understanding Autism
- Unlock the voices of children with additional needs (Video)
Sign up form
Only complete the following information if don’t already have a DeL account.
Please note, if you are not a Partner, your organisation will be charged £6 for the DeL licence fee to enable you to access the e-learning and video resources.
Training course request
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