Mental health support for key workers
Good mental health is very important, especially right now. We’re all feeling it, but many more so than others, and it’s good to be reminded to look out for ourselves from time to time. And, of course, includes key workers.
Mental Health At Work has published information aimed at key workers. They talk about key workers putting themselves at physical risk, but also putting their mental health under pressure too.
Their service, ‘Our Frontline’, offers round-the-clock one-to-one support by phone or text to trained volunteers. There are also resources, tips and ideas to look after your mental health.
They’ve targeted their information to support for people if they work in:
- health
- the emergency services
- social care
- or if you are a key worker.
Additionally, you can read our full range of mental health support and guidance for children and families during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.