We hope this list will keep evolving – if you are aware of an acronym that needs adding please send the detail to your locality mailbox.
AfC Action for Children. Children’s Centres
ASB Anti-Social Behaviour
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
CARA Child At Risk Alert (Police)
CC Children’s Centre
CFHD Children & family Health Devon (previously Virgin)
CME Child Missing Education
CORC Child Outcomes Research Consortium. How to measure children and young people’s mental health & wellbeing. (link on Devon SCP [EH] website)
CSE Child Sexual Exploitation
CVS Community & Voluntary Services
Devon SCP Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership (previously DSCB)
DfE Department for Education
DIAS Devon Information & Advice Service– parents of children with additional needs can be referred to DIAS for advice, support and advocacy re access to education
DICS Devon Integrated Children’s Services
DLA Disability Living Allowance
DSL Designated Safeguarding Lead
DV Domestic Violence
DWP Department Work & Pensions
EH Early Help– An approach bringing together people from a range of services. Support for families from pre-birth to adolescents before any formal interventions. Main point of contact= lead practitioner. Early Help has 10 criteria on which they are judged as payments by results (PBR) are made from the government for the Supported Families programme.
EHA Early Help Assessment. Families can refer themselves for an EHA or can be referred by a teacher, Health Visitor, GP etc.
EHCP Education Health & Care Plan
EHP Early Help Plan. EHP states who is going to do what and when, including things a family can do to help themselves.
ESA Employment Support Allowance. (Formerly Incapacity Benefit). You can apply for ESA if you have a disability or health condition that affects how much you can work.
ETE Young people engaged in Education Training or Employment
EWO Education Welfare Officer
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage
FGCP Family Group Conference Plus– offer a range of meetings including family group conferences and restorative meetings aimed at achieving positive change.
FIT Family Intervention Team– offers practical support, advice, how to build strengths and skills. Connects families with YIT, Domestic Violence support, DWP etc
FP Family Practitioner
IDVA Independent Domestic Violence Advisor – The role of the IDVA is to provide safety advice and support to victims of domestic abuse who are at high risk as measured using the DASH Risk Assessment.
IS Income Support. To help to cover costs if the person has a low income and gets the severe disability premium.
JSA Job Seekers Allowance
LADO Local Authority Designated Officer– deals with allegations made against an adult working with children
LO Locality Officer
MACE Missing Child Exploitation
MARAC Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference. A victim-focused information sharing and risk management meeting attended by all key agencies where high risk cases are discussed.
MASH Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub. A partnership between DCC, Children’s social care, education, youth services, NHS, police & probation working together to safeguard children. If a professional, family member or the public have a concern they can make a request for support.
MDA Multi-Disciplinary Assessment
NEET A young person: Not in Employment, Education or Training
OoSC Out of School Club
PBR Payment by Results
PHNT Public Health Nursing Team
PIP Personal Independence Payment
PNMHT Perinatal Mental Health Team
PPAP Parents Plus Adolescents Programme – Evidence-based parenting course promoting effective communication in families with adolescents aged 11 – 16 years.
PSPM Pregnancy Support Pathway Meeting
PTC Parent to Child
QA Quality Assurance
REACH Reducing Exploitation & Absence from Care or Home– a service which supports young people who either run away or who are at risk of CSE
RfC Right for Children – a web-based system that enables practitioners from a range of agencies, services and team to input and share information about the families they are working with.
ROI Record of Intervention
SEMH Social, Emotional, Mental Health problem
SEN Special Educational Needs
SEND Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SFP Strengthening Families Programme– Strengthening Families training is for over 8-year olds. 8 sessions with children in the evening with food…
SGO Special Guardianship Order
SMART Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, with Timescale– for writing a good Early Help Plan
SOEH Support Officer, Early Help
SPA Single Point of Access
TAC ‘Team around the Child’
TAF Team Around the Family (TAF). The family and relevant agencies working with them are known collectively as the ‘Team around the Family’. A TAF meeting, engages effectively with the family and relevant professionals. The aim is to produce a plan of coordinated support enabling a child, or young person, and their family to achieve agreed outcomes within specified timescales.
TDC Teignbridge District Council
UC Universal Credit. A payment to help with living costs. It replaces Child Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Job seeker’s Allowance, Working Tax Credit
VI Visually Impaired
ViST Vulnerable incident Screening Tool (Police) Police complete an incident form if children are present when they are called to a property, often related to a call about Domestic Abuse. Police will send this CARA to their safeguarding hub and data the police have – either about the property or about the people named on the report (or both) and this is then known as a ViST.
YES Youth Enquiry Service
YIT Youth Intervention Team
YOT Youth Offending Team
Assessment Triangle is used to identify different aspects of intervention to look at.
Family Outcome Star A method to help to create a plan for a family- used by FIT.
Family Practitioner works with the whole family
Front Door Devon’s entrance in Children’s Social care that incorporates our MASH.
Roots Mental health/ bereavement
Step down to Early Help– Social Services might ‘step down’ a family from their care to Early Help. They should hold a closing meeting with EH
Talk works– for depression/ anxiety
Troubled Families Programme is a programme of targeted intervention for families with multiple problems, including crime, anti-social behaviour, truancy, unemployment, mental health problems and domestic abuse. One aim of the Programme is to tackle issues before they require costlier interventions. It involves the adoption of a ‘whole family approach’ and multi-agency working.
Young Devon– mental health support
Young Minds– A charity working for people’s mental health. Tips, advice and guidance on where to get support for mental health. Youngminds.org.uk
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