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SEND Small Grants Scheme 2022-23 second round now open

The Devon County Council Small Grants Scheme for disabled children is now open for a second round of applications for 2022-23. We would particularly welcome applications for activities, groups or sessions over the Summer Holiday period.

The scheme, provided by Devon County Council in partnership with Parent Carer Forum Devon, can provide up to £5,000 to organisations to support children and young people (0-18) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The aims of the scheme are to:

  • Increase the number of activities and services available across Devon to reach and support more children and young people with SEND.
  • Ensure that activities and services are sustainable beyond the funding this scheme provides.
  • Promote and deliver greater inclusivity to enable children and young people with SEND to fully access their local community and take part in activities, services and groups alongside their peers and friends.
  • Be inclusive of and provide to the needs of children and young people with a range of disabilities including: neurodiverse conditions and needs, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, sensory impairments and multiple and complex needs (please note, this list is not exhaustive).

You can apply if you are a:

  • Voluntary or community organisation (predominately parent led)
  • Charity
  • Co-operative
  • Community Interest Company
  • Not for profit organisation

The closing date for applications for this round will be 12noon on Monday 11th July. Applications received after this will not be considered.

Please note, if your organisation has already received £5,000 through Small Grants in this financial year, you will not be able to apply again for additional funding towards the same activity.

To apply, please complete the application form and email it to

You are encouraged to read the guidance notes fully, even if you have applied to the scheme before. Additionally, before you apply, we would also encourage you to contact Katie Coomber on 01392 386176 or

For further information regarding the Small Grants Scheme, please email
