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Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership logo
5 September 2023

Partnership becomes Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership

From 5 September 2023, the Partnership will become the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership.

The way we talk logo
24 November 2022

New speech and language courses to help young children catch up after COVID-19

We have created new courses for parents and carers and professionals to help children catch up and reach their potential.

an illustration of two coffee cups in a speech bubble
6 October 2022

Short breaks coffee mornings

Sessions for parents and carers to help us improve the short breaks offer for disabled children and their families.

two people watching digital tablet
25 July 2022

SEND Short Break activities – Summer 2022

Thanks to the small grants scheme, there are lots of activities this summer that can offer support for SEND families during the holidays.

two people watching digital tablet
21 June 2022

SEND Small Grants Scheme 2022-23 second round now open

The scheme can provide up to £5,000 to organisations to support children and young people (0-18) with special educational needs and disabilities.

two people watching digital tablet
6 May 2022

Small Grants Scheme 2022-23 opens for applications

The Devon County Council Small Grants Scheme for disabled children is now open for the first round of applications for 2022-23.

A poster for Social Work Week 2022
14 March 2022

This week is social work week 2022

We want to thank everyone for the work that you do and the difference that we make to children and families across Devon.

Children playing with a wooden toy
12 January 2022

Important information about direct payments (SEND)

The current direct payments policy enables some flexibility when a child’s short break provision availability is affected.

a child and a care worker sat on a bench
14 December 2021

Restorative Practice job opportunities

As part of Devon Children’s Services Restorative Approach, we are recruiting to a number of roles to support practitioners with expertise in relational and restorative practice.
