SEND Strategy video for children and young people for feedback
We’ve been working together on a brand new strategy for Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) in Devon. And if you’re a young person with SEND, or a family member of someone with SEND, we’d love to hear from you about the work we’ve done so far.
The new strategy has been written by staff at Devon County Council in partnership with NHS Devon CCG and the Parent Carer Forum Devon. And, importantly, we got input directly from children and young people with SEND themselves.
Using your advice, we’ve created a video about Devon’s new SEND strategy. It includes a newly developed vision and priorities for us to support children and young people with SEND, and their families, in the best way possible.
You can read the full strategy here, and there’s an easy read version of our plan as well.
The strategy is just a draft version for now, and we’d love to know what you think about it before we finalise it. Let us know your thoughts by answering these questions:
- Have we got the vision and important priorities right for you?
- Have we got how we will do it, right for you?
- Is there anything you would add, change or take away?
Feedback from children and young people with SEND, and their families, is really important to us. It means that we can make sure we get our strategy right, so we’re able to make the services that support you, better. This means that you will have a real say in the decisions affecting your life.
Please send your replies to by 16th December.
We will listen to what you tell us and will make sure that it’s taken into consideration when we finalise the strategy.
You can also get involved with our work by checking out Champions for Change, where you can represent young people with special educational needs or disabilities, and make your voice heard.