The Devon SCP work with local subgroups, locality forums and have collaborative arrangements with the South West Peninsula Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships. They also commission work through task and finish groups with a named Partnership Member lead. Each sub-group Chair reports directly to the Partnership Executive (Delegated Safeguarding Partners).
The Business Group (formerly Learning and Development Implementation Group)
The Business Group works to ensure that learning and development from the Devon SCP’s subgroups is promoted and embedded in a way in which local services for children and families can become more reflective and implement changes to practice. The Business Group sits above two further groups: the Quality Assurance Workforce Delivery Group (QAWDG) and the Education Advisory Group. In addition, the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Group feeds its findings and learning from ‘rapid reviews’ into the Business Group. Essentially, the Business Group is the ‘engine room’ of the partnership.
Quality Assurance Delivery Group (QAWDG)
The Quality Assurance Workforce Delivery Group (QAWDG) reports to the Business Group and carries out reviews into key themes throughout the year to seek out any multi-agency learning, or development needs across Devon. The QAWDG acts as the delivery arm of the Business Group in order to carry forward any multi-agency recommendations from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPRs), rapid reviews and child death reviews.
Child Safeguarding Practice Review Group (CSPRG)
The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Group (CSPRG) seeks to improve outcomes for children, safeguarding them and promoting their welfare by ensuring a timely and high-quality response in all cases referred for consideration. The group commissions and/or undertakes rapid reviews, Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR) and/or other reviews as required under Working Together 2023. The group liaises with the National Panel as and when required.
Education Advisory Group
The Education subgroup contributes to the statutory duty under s175 of the Education Act 2002 to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and s11 of the Children Act 2004.
Devon Early Help Locality Partnership Forums
The Early Help Locality Partnership forums bring together staff within the four areas of Devon (North, South, Exeter and Mid & East) to improve working together arrangements and bring the voice of children and young people into our work. These forums review practice unique to the locality and disseminate lessons learnt from audits, Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPRs) and child deaths to the children’s workforce in the locality.
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