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7 Pillars of Practice Lunch and Learn Workshops – Pillar 3


12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

The academy is working on a review of the training offer alongside an induction package for our new staff joining DCC. 

We have also launched our new audit framework and audit tool which centres around the 7 Pillars of Practice, which underpin our restorative values. To support the development of practice against the audit programme we will be delivering workshops in the coming months to support our vision of doing the simple things well. We know that if we support the development of good practice and ensure we are consistent in these areas, we will see an impact in our relationships with children, young people and families and outcomes will be better evidenced. Whilst there is wider package of training being planned, we want to deliver a series of lunch and learn opportunities to support our service improvement plans, our overall children services improvement journey and development of practice.

Pillars of Practice Lunch and Learn Workshops themes –

Pillar 1. Purposeful Visits

Pillar 2. Assessments

Pillar 3. Planning

Pillar 4.Voice of the Child

Pillar 5. Partnership Working

Pillar 6. Recording

Pillar 7. Management Oversight

Click here to get the list of themes and dates. You need to use your DEL account to access these workshops.
