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Domestic Abuse Commissioner – Training


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Family Court Report

On Tuesday 18th July the Commissioner published her second report on the family justice system:  The Family Court and domestic abuse: achieving cultural change The report seeks to accelerate and build on the change being progressed since the Harm Panel Report, which was published three years ago, in order to improve the experience of the Family Court for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. The report includes:

  • The design of a pioneering new scheme called the Family Court Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism which the Commissioner will launch this autumn in three courts. The mechanism will assist in understanding and clarifying the national picture of domestic abuse engagement within the Family Court, alongside a recommendation for a Domestic Abuse Best Practice Lead in each court area.
  • The need for abuse-informed expertise and specialist support in order to have a Family Court which fully understands domestic abuse and supports victims and survivors across all parts of the Family Court System.
  • The need to accelerate the Pathfinder Courts and adopt an approach which puts the child at the heart of the Family Court, including through abuse-informed and child-centric methodologies, such as taking the context of the child’s age, development, and experience of trauma into account.

The Executive Summary can be found here. We have also published a  blog  to introduce the themes for the recommendations.


In the coming weeks the DAC Office will be holding two webinars  on  Monday 4th September (13:00-14:00)  and  Tuesday 19th September (11:00-12:00). 


The sessions will contextualise the report, explaining the key stages in private family law children proceedings, and will highlight core policies and research that precede this work. Further, we’ll detail the major challenges and concerns currently apparent in family law children proceedings, outline the methodology behind this report and lay out the practical recommendations proposed by the Commissioner.


Please note these are repeat sessions, therefore please register to attend just one of the following dates:  



