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H.O.P.E Training


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

You have an opportunity to access the following online training sessions, run by H.O.P.E.

  • 24th September (9.30-4.30) – Anti-Racial Practice
  • Understand the History of Racism in the UK
  • Participants will understand what we mean by Racism, Discrimination and Prejudice
  • Participants will learn about what we mean by White privilege,  Bias and White fragility
  • Understand how racism impacts survivors of domestic abuse who want to report to services
  • Increase self-awareness, self-care and advocacy and discuss where you are in your own Anti Racist Practice journey


  • 7th October (9.30-12.30) – Cultural Competency and Intersectionality
  • Participants will be able to accurately define and explain the concept of intersectionality
  • Participants will understand the importance or cultural competence in work practices
  • Participants will analyse and acknowledge how multiple dimensions of diversity intersect and
  • interact leading to unique and multifaceted identities and experiences.
  • Participants will learn to integrate intersectional perspectives into their decision-making processes and practices, enabling them to consider the diverse needs and experiences of various individuals and communities impacted by domestic abuse


  • 26th November (9.30-4.30) – Honour Based Abuse
  • To explore what is meant by the terms So called honour-based abuse’ (SCHBA)
  • To raise awareness of how SCHBA impacts survivors of abuse and how risk assessments and safety planning can be used effectively.
  • To examine current legislation , protection orders and how we hold SCHBA Perpetrators to account
  • To gain an understanding of trauma of SCHBA on survivors and how to use our cultural competency.
  • To inform participants of appropriate referral pathways and help available locally and nationally
  • To engage with a survivor of HBA


Please share details of this training to colleagues in your service area at this time. To book a place, please provide details of a nominated person(s) and which subject they would like to attend to Jo Sykes ( before Friday 13th September 2024.


Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please do not take up a space if you are unsure if you can attend, as this will mean sessions are not full and that a colleague may miss out on this opportunity.
