Tools to Assess Neglect Refresher – Embedding GCP2 into practice
Please note: you should only attend this refresher session if you’ve attended a GCP2 Tools to Assess Neglect workshop in the last 2 years.
Tools to Assess Neglect Refresher – Embedding GCP2 into practice
Learning Outcomes:
- refreshing your understanding of recognising and responding to neglect or poor parental care
- reminder of how to use the GCP2 assessment tool effectively
- strengthening you decision making around neglect and parental care
- reminder of the importance or multi-agency collaboration when using GCP2
If you’ve attended a GCP2 workshop previously, you may feel you need a reminder of how to using the graded assessment tool, how to score areas of neglect and how to embed this assessment tool into your practice. Or you may like to share you GCP2 skills and knowledge with other practitioners to grow their confidence in using the tool
If you have a DEL account please book here
This will take place via Microsoft Teams.