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Mentors in Violence Prevention training

Safer Devon Partnership are pleased to update that both school staff and groups of students from Tiverton High School and Park Community School in Barnstaple have taken part in Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) training.

Partners from the Police, Devon County Council, DYS Space, FearFree and Safe Foundation also attended the staff training and will be supporting the school-based programme, which uses a peer-leadership approach to tackle harmful behaviours.

During the summer term, the trained students will take on the role of mentors and, with the support of trained staff, begin to deliver sessions to their younger peers on healthy relationships and how to be an active bystander. These peer-led MVP sessions will encourage young people to think about which behaviours are appropriate and what they could safely do to help if they witness a friend or peer behaving in a harmful way. Taking a whole-school approach to violence prevention and having students act as positive role models for their younger peers is a powerful way of challenging normalised, unhealthy behaviours and preventing these from happening in the future.

For more information about the MVP programme, please visit the Devon Schools Wellbeing Partnership website, or get in touch with any questions via
