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COVID-19 and what next

What we heard from the community

We hosted a workshop where we were joined by representatives from the community and voluntary sector, Incident Management Team Leads for Early Help, representatives for vulnerable children and children with SEND as well as colleagues from Devon County Council’s Economy and Communities Teams.

These are the key findings from the workshop:

  • The coordinated local, community efforts have moved quickly and were responsive.  Connected to our locality partnership and Early Help triage response.
  • The significant need in families is seen and understood by some communities
  • The experience of children is very different dependant on local capacity in school and community, broadband and access to tech. and resources.
  • The impact of lock down on the most vulnerable and the most disadvantaged is acute. Significantly widening the inequality gap.
  • The economic impact will be significant and long lasting. Some of the worst is yet to come.


If you are worried about the safety or wellbeing of a child or young person in Devon,
please complete the request for support online form.


If you think that the child is at risk of significant harm,
contact our Front Door directly by calling 0345 155 1071.


In an emergency call 999.
