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Proposed changes to the Devon SCP

The following is an update for all of our safeguarding partners and colleagues.

We want to take this opportunity to update you on progress of the planned re-focusing of the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership.

It is being proposed that from this year (2023) we will become the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership (DevonSCP) to better reflect the regulatory framework set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 (WT18), which requires the three local safeguarding partners (local authority, police and health services) to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of local children including identifying and responding to their needs. The proposal will be considered by Devon’s Cabinet in July.

These proposals will also bring the Devon Partnership more closely into alignment with the other regional safeguarding children partnerships in Torbay, Plymouth, Cornwall and Somerset as well as resulting in a stronger focus on safeguarding and child protection, less risk of duplication and more efficient use of resources for the statutory partners.

You may be aware that the process of streamlining the sub-groups that fall under the existing Partnership’s governance has begun. Some groups have been disbanded because their focus is being addressed elsewhere, for example Health Systems Partnership. Others are agreeing to continue but under other governance arrangements. All will provide regular scheduled reports into the Learning and Development Implementation Group, focused on safeguarding children and in line with the Partnership’s priorities. Please see the current draft structure chart below.

a draft structure chart for the proposed Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership.

We will continue to update you on the progress of these proposals.

We thank you all for hard work, commitment and dedication to safeguarding children in Devon. We look forward to our future as partners working together.

Message published on behalf of
Roy Linden, Police (Executive Chair); Naomi Chapman, Devon Integrated Care Board; Julian Wooster Devon County Council Children’s Services
