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Our training and resources

Care Leavers

There have been serious failings in the way a small number of vulnerable young people were helped and supported to become independent after they left our care.

Our aspiration:

We will be good, responsive and responsible corporate parents for children and young people in our care and our care leavers, until they reach 25, understanding their needs and supporting them well to be the very best version of themselves.

We want our care leavers who find themselves in the most challenging circumstances know that we’re not giving up on them – when they push us away or do things that are harmful, we will keep in touch to understand how we can better help and support them to get back on track and stay there.

What we need to improve:

  • Assessment of risk and safety planning for young people
  • Sufficiency of accommodation and support available for young people
  • Access for young people to full information about their health histories.

How we will do it:

  • Reset culture and practice expectations
  • Improve our assessment of risk and safety planning for young people by ensuring we have the right tools and we are confident and consistent in our decision making
  • We will know all our young people well and understand what they need
  • Ensure the right support is provided when it is needed using a revised Pathway Plan​ and risk assessment framework
  • Ensure our young people have access to full information about their health histories
  • Analyse what accommodation and support our care leavers need and refresh our commissioning with partners to make sure it’s right.

How we will know we’ve made a difference:

  • All our care leavers will be living in acceptable accommodation and will be supported effectively
  • All care leavers will have access to their health passport
  • Fewer care leavers who are not in Education, Employment or Training
  • Our care leavers will speak positively about the support they receive

If you think that the child is at risk of significant harm, contact our Front Door directly by calling 0345 155 1071. In an emergency call 999.
