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Children’s Services Improvement Plan Update – December 2020

The Improvement Partnership met again this week (21 December), chaired by our Department for Education Commissioner Eleanor Brazil, to review progress against our improvement plan.

The meeting started with presentations by two PAs from the Corporate Parenting Service who spoke about their work with two of our care leavers emphasising the importance of persistent support from the PA and the support of partners to improving outcomes for these young people. This led onto a discussion about the importance of education, employment and training opportunities for young people and our secondary school rep spoke about how this works well in his area.

The partnership also heard about the support for improvement from Cornwall as our ‘Partner in Practice’ and the revised social work Recruitment and Retention Strategy.

We will be meeting again at the start of February. Given the impact of the pandemic on local partnership arrangements, future meetings will start with an update on the impact of the pandemic locally on families/staff and operational practice.

All of the papers from the meeting are available here.

Vivien Lines
Improvement Director

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