Partnership becomes Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership
From 5 September 2023, the Partnership will become the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Happy Pride Month
We proudly stand by the side of those who are working tirelessly to combat the unfairness and inequalities that LGBTQ+ young people often encounter.
Let’s Talk Pre-Teens
Free support sessions for parents and carers to discuss the challenges facing young people today, and the tools you can use to support them.
16 Days of Action
The annual campaign is a global call to end to gender-based violence and the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.
Youth voice opportunities – October 2022 update
If you’re a young person living in Devon, there are lots of exciting opportunities to get your voice heard!
Latest edition of Young Carers newsletter
The newsletter contains all of the latest news, links, resources, information and upcoming events that young carers can get involved in.
Sign up for webinars on adult safeguarding and homelessness
A series of three webinars are being offered on best practice in adult safeguarding and homelessness.
Youth voice opportunities – September 2022 update
If you’re a young person living in Devon, there are lots of exciting opportunities to get your voice heard!
Give us your views about mental health services in Devon
On 15 October, the Devon Youth Council network are hosting a Youth Voice Saturday to discuss mental health and wellbeing.