The Devon Pregnancy Support Pathway Meeting is a multi-agency panel meeting providing a robust oversight and support network for pregnancies where additional support is needed to help families and new-born babies.
All professionals in contact with pregnant mothers should routinely assess the needs of the mother and unborn baby, gathering as much information as possible and make timely referrals to ensure the right support is offered and identify when a pre-birth assessment is required. The Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership (Devon SCP) has adopted a multi-agency model to help professionals assess safeguarding needs for children and young people.
The following referral routes should be followed to ensure pregnant mothers receive the right support, by the right services at the right time.
- All level 4 statutory safe-guarding requests for a social work assessment should come through the Front door (Mash) via the request for support form.
- All level 3 requests for our Targeted Family Intervention Team (FIT) should come through the Front door (Mash) via the request for support form.
- All level 2 requests should not go through the front door but should be sent directly to the Early Help locality mailboxes for discussion at the relevant locality Devon Pregnancy Support Pathway Meetings:
Mid and East Devon:
Northern Devon:
South and West Devon:
PLEASE NOTE: Any requests that come through the front door requesting the Family Intervention Team (FIT), and are either, accepted for FIT or outcome to external level 3 support or universal /level 2, the front door will also be sent to the EH locality mailboxes so the family can be added to the relevant locality pregnancy support pathway meeting.
Consent should be sought, and referrers should ensure that they have discussed the referral with parent/s and seek consent unless there are concerns that would place the unborn child at risk.
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