Step 1
Any safeguarding partner might assess that a serious incident should be referred for consideration of rapid review. Please refer to the government guidance for local safeguarding partners.
Using the full five working days from the date of incident, prioritise communication with the safeguarding lead from your agency who sits on the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Group (CSPRG). Contact the Devon SCP Business team by emailing A meeting will be set up so the case can be discussed with the Children’s Social Care, the Police and Health lead representatives who will together agree whether the criterion for a rapid review is met and the next steps. Information from other partner agencies may be sought to inform decision making. The Local Authority has the final say and is responsible for notifying Ofsted of serious incidents involving children in care.
‘Notification of death or serious harm to a child‘ (SIN) is sent to National Panel and Ofsted by Children’s Social Care at the point of five working days after the incident.
It should be stated in the SIN notification if the threshold for Rapid Review is met or not.
If the threshold is met, Rapid Review commences
Step 2
- Working day 1
- Copy of SIN notification or ‘Need to Know Briefing’ sent to Devon SCP Business Team by Local Authority Notifier (this acts as the referral for the Rapid Review).
- Letters, templates, guidance sent to Safeguarding Leads for all relevant agencies.
Step 3
- Working day 2-10
- Individual Agency Summaries produced by relevant agencies.
Devon SCP informs Executive Partners that a Rapid Review is in progress and schedules ‘Exec Huddle’ for Day 14.
Step 4
- Working day 2-10
- A Progress Meeting for CSPRG members to report on progress of individual agency summaries and identify further agencies to contact.
Step 5
- Working day 2-10
- Individual Agency Summaries reviewed by a panel of Child Safeguarding Practice Review Group members.
- Summary and Outcome of Rapid Review produced making recommendation to Devon SCP Executive.
Immediate child safeguarding and learning should be implemented if identified by the Rapid Review.
Step 6
- Working day 12-15
- Produce final version of the Summary and Outcome of Rapid Review Report.
- Summary and Outcome of Rapid Review sent to the Executive Safeguarding Partners for approval and sign-off (once they have huddled).
- Share with Chair of the Practice Development Group to review impact of actions to further develop practice.
Step 7
- Working day 16
- Summary and Outcome of Rapid Review sent to Child Safeguarding Practice Review National Panel with letter to Chair.
- Where full review proposed, this is Day 0 of review timeline.